Saturday, June 6, 2009

In England at last!

I arrived at Heathrow at 8 am (about 30 minutes early!) and Lucy was there to pick me up.   I had a slight problem remembering Lucy's address to tell the officer at the Passport check because my brain was kind of fuzzy at first, having only 4-5 hours sleep.  I remembered it and he let me in, so I met Lucy at baggage claim and we tried to find the car (fun).  It is so is about as big as a matchbox car!  After a few minutes, we got all my bags in the tiny car and off we headed for Lucy's house in Milton Keynes.  We dropped off our bags and I took a shower and brushed my teeth (thankfully) and then we headed out the door with Jon.  
     We headed for Oxford, which was about 30 minutes away.  It is such a cool town, with amazing architecture and beautiful landscaping.  It was graduation day, so
there were many graduates running around in their tuxedos, graduation caps and gowns, celebrating in the streets.  We walked up and down the streets and even went into a chapel and heard a boys' choir practicing.  It was amazing.  The stained glass was breathtaking.  The gardens were
absolutely gorgeous.  We saw a tree that could have been the"Whomping Willow" from Harry Potter, it was so big. 

     Next, we walked down by the Thames and saw the boats and then walked back up and ate lunch at a cute little pub on the patio.  I know we called this trip~"Lucy and Michelle's Excellent Adventure 2:  The Girls Take Europe", but a better title (or a least a tag line) has to be~"Lucy and Michelle's Excellent Adventure~and Jon looks for every single pie and bake shop in Europe tour".  Jon loves his pies (and baked goods-if you didn't already figure that out).  The whole time we were there, it was spitting rain, but it was still great!  I loved it.  My favorite part is all the little back alleys and cool doorways that you see when you are walking down the cobbled sidewalks.
     After we left Oxford, we headed on a tour of the Cotswolds, through lots of little towns that were so quaint and picturesque~exactly what you would see in a movie.  We got out of the car and walked up and down the street and looked in the shops.  After this, we headed back to Milton Keynes.  Lucy went to a baby shower, giving me time to rest and write in the blog and upload pictures for you.  I can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!! 


  1. Great pictures! Hope you and Lucy (and Jon) have a wonderful time!!

    Kathy Schwiebert

  2. I love England! I am so happy for you to be able to have this experience. Get used to the rain We are sure going to miss seeing you daily next year as we journey off to Grove Valley. Thanks for all of your love, dedication and hard work during Kylee and Conner Osburn's time at PV. Sincerely, The Osburn's

  3. You promised that you would return the rain! ;)

    Kelli Kidd

  4. Looks like you are having a GREAT time!!!
